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                Air cargo solutions

                For air cargo exported from China to all parts of the world, we comprehensively analyze the airlines in China's route settings, loading conditions, tailor-made air transport solutions for customers to


                International shipping solutions

                For goods that need to be exported by sea, we are always in communication with the shipowner, combined with the Free Detention and Free Demurrage, as well as customer requirements for the limitation,


                Export customs clearance solutions

                For the export goods that need to declare at the Customs and leave the country from China customs, we will fully analyze the working time limit and supervision policies of China Customs, guide custome

                Services include: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Tianjin, Xiamen (export radiation to more than 150 countries worldwide)

                Service items

                Contact us

                Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,China.

                Phone: 020-8352 6419/020-8352 3185

                Email address: rain@linkworldgz.com

                Website: tetrism.com

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com

                020-8352 6419 020-8352 3185

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com