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                Company profile

                Link World International Logistics (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd  was established in 2017, is an international air, sea import and export freight forwarding, set transportation, customs clearance, warehousing, distribution as one of the full range of logistics services enterprises. After nearly 3 years of rapid development, the company to Guangzhou as the center, in the country's major port cities set up 5 branches, mainly to provide customers with Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong import and export logistics and customs clearance services, with hundreds of foreign agents to establish good relations of cooperation, service network covering Europe, Asia, the United States and South American countries. With SV, CA, EK, AA, TK, AM and other airlines, with COSCO, CMA, ONE, MSC and other shipping companies to establish a good relationship of cooperation. Development so far, the company has gathered more than 80 excellent professional operations, customer service staff, for the company's freight business to provide professional, efficient service protection. The company has the certificate of non-ship carrier qualification issued by the Ministry of Transport (MOC-NV10961), is approved by the Ministry of Commerce of China's first-class freight forwarding enterprises (MOFTEC19369), the International Freight Forwarder Association (FIATA) member units,  Companies adhering to the "people-oriented, honest management, efficient service" business philosophy, is committed to providing customers with quality logistics service experience. Be your trusted partner.
                Services include: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Tianjin, Xiamen (export radiation to more than 150 countries worldwide)

                Service items

                Contact us

                Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,China.

                Phone: 020-8352 6419/020-8352 3185

                Email address: rain@linkworldgz.com

                Website: tetrism.com

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com

                020-8352 6419 020-8352 3185

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com