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                [International air transport]

                International air transport

                To provide China's major airports exported to Asia, Europe, North America, South America air cargo services, routes rich, price concessions, fast booking, you can flexibly choose bulk delivery, packag

                [International shipping]

                International shipping

                To provide china's local seaport exports to Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean, North America, South America, sea containers and bulk box services. Routes are rich in products, providing competitive adv

                [Hong Kong Logistics]

                Hong Kong Logistics

                To Chinese mainland export to Hong Kong's special line services, land ports 7X24 hours customs clearance, daily traffic, time protection.

                [Customs clearance agent]

                Customs clearance agent

                To provide the country's major sea and air ports customs clearance agent services, import and export rights agent, agent clearance documents, foreign exchange collection and payment services, to ensur

                [Warehousing services]

                Warehousing services

                To provide the country's major sea and air ports customs clearance agent services, import and export rights agent, agent clearance documents, foreign exchange collection and payment services, to ensur

                [Trailer collection]

                Trailer collection

                Provide Chinese mainland factories, logistics distribution centers to the port trailers, bulk cargo check-in services, their own trailers more than 20 units, all purchase cargo transport insurance, th

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                Services include: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Tianjin, Xiamen (export radiation to more than 150 countries worldwide)

                Service items

                Contact us

                Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,China.

                Phone: 020-8352 6419/020-8352 3185

                Email address: rain@linkworldgz.com

                Website: tetrism.com

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com

                020-8352 6419 020-8352 3185

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com