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                [Import clearance]

                Import clearance

                In August 2019, a key mechanical spare parts from an overseas factory in China were damaged in a Jordanian project that could not be repaired locally, affecting the progress of the project, and LiuGon

                [International shipping]

                International shipping

                Near the Chinese traditional festival - the Spring Festival in 2019, had been into the traditional peak season. Shipping shipments were very large, all the lines and shipping companies had burst the s

                [International air transport]

                International air transport

                In March 2020, there was a shortage of epidemic prevention materials in the UK. JAN, a British customer, purchased a batch of masks and other epidemic prevention materials from China and sent them to

                [Land and air transport]

                Land and air transport

                In July 2020, MARK had a batch of goods, which needed to be transported to Frankfurt, and the goods were in Dongguan, Guangdong. After our customer service staff learned about the goods, they learned

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                Services include: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Tianjin, Xiamen (export radiation to more than 150 countries worldwide)

                Service items

                Contact us

                Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,China.

                Phone: 020-8352 6419/020-8352 3185

                Email address: rain@linkworldgz.com

                Website: tetrism.com

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com

                020-8352 6419 020-8352 3185

                Address: Room 705-706, Dongbao Building, No. 767 East Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
                 Email address: Walter@linkworldgz.com